where am i . uk  🔍 fast, free, safe

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If you require the help of Mountain Rescue, please dial 999 and ask the operator for the police. Then tell the police that you require Mountain Rescue. Put your phone on speakerphone (if conditions allow) and return to this page.
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This website does not track any location, does not use advertising or cookies. It is minimal in size with no images on the main page. If you found it useful, would like to make a donation or contact the author then please send an e-mail to
📧 info@whereami.uk .
Please also consider donating to Mountain Rescue - either your local team or Mountain Rescue England and Wales they are highly trained professional volunteers who receive no pay or expenses. Make sure you let them know you used whereami.uk Website ©2021 Dafydd Lawrence, Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team